My Musical Journey
I have loved music for as long as I can remember. As a child I was captivated by Andre Rieu and his magnificent orchestra, watching all the performances on constant repeat and even attending a live performance when they came to the US. The impression it made on me in that very early season of my life was real and strong. I pictured myself as a conductor and tinkered with our upright Yamaha piano and violin a bit too but I resisted formal lessons… more on that below.
I grew up in a small town in Massachusetts in a family of 6 children - 3 older brothers and 2 younger sisters. Our home was filled with music of all kinds and I played piano casually through my childhood but it was when I rediscovered orchestral music in video games as a teen that I felt more of a personal connection again and was motivated to practice more consistently to master some of the melodies. I was a particular fan of Kingdom Hearts soundtracks - composer Yoko Shimomura beloved by fans worldwide, so the experience of attending the Kingdom Hearts Orchestra World Tour live in NYC was deeply moving and compelling to me, in the majestic atmosphere of the Unity Theater and in how the whole audience of teens to seniors was magically transported into heartfelt unity in the beauty of the live, inspiring orchestrations.
In Spring 2020 my family travelled to Texas, arriving for an event in Round Top just as the Covid pandemic was hitting, so we ended up staying longer than expected. I was far from home and the world felt very unpredictable and uncertain, but good things ultimately came out of it for me, as Texas has a very friendly, supportive and rich musical culture, one that felt welcoming to my aspirations and love for music so…
In December of 2020, I enrolled in personal piano performance lessons at the Band Aid School of Music in Austin, which is renowned for its community of experienced musician mentors and where I met and was tutored by my great teacher/coach Reid Weigrecki. We were perfectly paired, as she understood the way I experience music (and was a Kingdom Hearts fan too!) and appreciated my ability to play by ear, so she not only helped me refine my skills further but pulled out more of the artist side of me as well. I learned more about the science behind music, gained confidence in myself as a musician and composer, and very importantly - we enjoyed making, playing and recording music together!
My music flourished under Reid’s tutelage so I am profoundly thankful for her and the special role she played in a pivotal chapter of my journey.
She’s still making music in Austin too - you can find and follow her here!
LIVE at the Round Top Antique Fair
Having spent over a year in Round Top, I had opportunity to play live at several of the world-renowned Antiques Weeks events in 2021 & 2022, which was a wonderful opportunity that built both my experience and my confidence playing live. My music was well received and the feedback was very encouraging, all helping me step out onto a stage in a way that was new to me!
Thank you to the many friends in Round Top - your warm welcome and support was so appreciated!
In the Spring of 2022 I decided to settle into Austin - renowned as the “live music capital of the world,” and am finding it a great place to live and wholeheartedly pursue my music. I’m sharing this new chapter with my older brother Ryan who relocated here as well - we live in Monterey Oaks and are enjoying city life and all that Austin has to offer.
I’m pouring my energy into building my life and my future here now, continuing my journey in this musical city and playground with near endless possibility - a great opportunity and adventure!
My childhood dreams are coming to life, as you can see, and I can’t help but look forward to all that’s ahead, and encourage you to wish upon a star and let your light shine too!
I invite you to download my digital brochure and playlist (which you can also print, double-sided) and share your info at the booking link to reach me about playing live for you.
It will be my pleasure,